Below are steps to apply Source Code Pro to some popular code editors, and change colours to that indicated in the comparison picture.
Applying to code editors:
Whilst Consolas is built into Windows 10, Source Code Pro can be downloaded at the following site:
Windows 10 Command Prompt
In Defaults and Properties (accessed by clicking the top left icon on the command prompt window):
Set font to “Source Code Pro Semibold”. On High DPI screens such as the Microsoft Surface, font size: 20
Colours set to Screen Background (RGB): 4,33,41, Screen Text: 129, 148, 154
Visual Studio Code
File, Preferences, Color Theme: Solarized Dark
File, Preferences, User Settings: Add the following line on the right window:
“editor.fontFamily”: “‘Source Code Pro’, Consolas, ‘Courier New’, monospace”,