PowerShell One liners for Networking, Exchange 2010, Computer & Hardware, Windows Registry, Printers, Files, Active Directory & Configuration Manager.
Commands validated with PowerShell 5.1 on Windows 10. Some commands may work on other versions.
For information on using PowerShell, including how to find additional commands that are not listed here, see General PowerShell usage tips.
To see the additional parameters for any of these commands, you can use the following command:
help [command] -full
Clear the console window
View the command history for the current session
get-history | more
Repeat a command in the history
invoke-history [id from output of get-history]
Save the history to a csv file
invoke-history | export-csv [output path & filename]
Save session input and output to a file
start-transcript [output path & filename] -IncludeInvocationHeader
Stop saving the transcript
Get Information
ipconfig /all equivalent gip is short for Get-NetIPConfiguration.
Show network adaptors
Print routing table
get-netadapter [name] | get-netroute [[-addressfamily ipv4]]
Show active network connections
Get-NetTCPConnection | ? State -eq Established | sort Localport | FT -Autosize
Show client’s DNS Cache
Show the client’s mapped drives
Run Tests
Ping equivalent
test-connection [computer]
‘Continuous’ ping (999999999 pings)
test-connection [computer] -count 999999999
Traceroute tnc is short for Test-NetConnection. -tr is short for -TraceRoute.
tnc [computer] -tr
Test if a remote port is accessible / open
tnc [computer] -p [port]
Test if a remote port is accessible / open (more info)
tnc [computer] -p [port] -inf detailed
DNS lookup
resolve-dnsname [computer]
Make Changes
Map a network drive
New-SmbMapping -LocalPath [drive_letter]: -RemotePath [UNC Path]
Microsoft Exchange 2010 on prem
These commands must be run from a machine with the Exchange management tools installed, and the following command must be added to a powershell or script session first:
. 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V14\bin\RemoteExchange.ps1'
Connect-ExchangeServer -auto
Alternatively (adds -CommandName to speed up connection to exchange, by only including the cmdlets you choose to use):
$session = New-PSSession -ConfigurationName Microsoft.Exchange `
-ConnectionUri 'http://[exchange_hostname]/PowerShell/?SerializationLevel=Full' `
-Authentication Kerberos
Import-PSSession -Session $session `
-CommandName Get-Mailbox,New-Mailbox,Enable-Mailbox,Set-Mailbox -FormatTypeName *
Get Information
List accounts that have send as access on other mailboxes Credit to and for further information: https://www.ucunleashed.com/277.
Get-Mailbox -ResultSize Unlimited | Get-ADPermission | `
Where-Object {($_.ExtendedRights -like "*send-as*") -and `
-not ($_.User -like "nt authority\self")} | Format-Table Identity, User -auto
List accounts that have full access to other mailboxes Credit to and for further information: https://www.ucunleashed.com/277.
Get-Mailbox -ResultSize Unlimited | Get-MailboxPermission | `
Where-Object {($_.AccessRights -match "FullAccess") -and `
-not ($_.User -like "NT AUTHORITY\SELF")} | Format-Table Identity, User
View the mailbox size limits on an account
Get-Mailbox [identity] | Format-List *Quota
View the list of currently quarantined activesync devices
Get-ActiveSyncDevice -filter {deviceaccessstate -eq 'quarantined'} | `
select identity, deviceid | fl
Make Changes
Set the mailbox size limits on an account [size] in mb or gb, e.g. 500mb, 2gb
Set-Mailbox [identity] -IssueWarningQuota [size] -ProhibitSendQuota [size] `
-ProhibitSendReceiveQuota [size] -UseDatabaseQuotaDefaults $false
Add cc to a mailbox (cc to another exchange account)
Set-Mailbox -Identity "Full Name" -DeliverToMailboxAndForward $true -ForwardingAddress "Full Name"
Remove cc from a mailbox (from another exchange account)
Set-Mailbox -Identity "Full Name" -ForwardingAddress $null -ForwardingSmtpAddress $null
Approve a quarantined activesync device Use the first command to get the device ID required for the second command.
Get-ActiveSyncDevice -filter {deviceaccessstate -eq 'quarantined'} | `
select identity, deviceid | fl
Set-CASMailbox –Identity [account] –ActiveSyncAllowedDeviceIDs [DEVICEID]
Computer & Hardware
Get Information
Get local computer name
Get last bootup time of a remote computer
[Management.ManagementDateTimeConverter]::ToDateTime((Get-WmiObject Win32_OperatingSystem `
-Property LastBootUpTime -ComputerName [computer]).LastBootUpTime)
Get-WmiObject win32_operatingsystem -ComputerName [computer] | `
select @{Name="Last Boot Time"; Expression={$_.ConvertToDateTime($_.LastBootUpTime)}}, PSComputerName
Make Changes
Rename a computer
rename-computer -name [original_name] -newname [new_name]
Restart computer
Restart remote computer
restart-computer -computername [computer]
Stop computer
Start a process
Start-Process -FilePath [executable] -Wait -WindowStyle Maximized
Remove Windows feature
disable-windowsoptionalfeature -feature [featurename]
Windows Registry
Get Information
List keys one level down from a registry path Add the -force parameter to include hidden or system keys. To display all keys from the path down, include the -recurse parameter.
Get-ChildItem -Path [path e.g. hkcu:\]
Browse the registry like a file system
Set-Location hkcu:
Make Changes
Create a new key
New-Item -Path [path and key, e.g. hkcu:\new_key]
Delete a key
Remove-Item -Path [path and key, e.g. hkcu:\new_key]
Set a registry value
If you are browsing the registry like a file system as referenced above, the path below can be referenced as you would a normal file system location, e.g. -Path .\Key for a key in the current working directory / location.
If you receive a permission denied message, change the user that the powershell console or commands are run under to one that has the required permissions to the registry location.
Set-ItemProperty -Path [path and key, e.g. hkcu:\key] -Name [PropertyName] -Value [New Value]
Windows Services
Get Information
List all services
Get-Service [optional wildcard search on service name (not display name)] | `
sort [Status, Name or Displayname]
List running services
Get-Service [[optional wildcard search on service name (not display name)] | `
where Status -eq running | sort [Status, Name or Displayname]
Search for a service running on a remote computer, search based on Display Name
get-service -computername hyd-rdsh-10 | where DisplayName -match [search_expression]
Make Changes
Start service
start-service [service name]
Stop service
stop-service [service name]
Restart service
restart-service [service name]
Get Information
View print shares on a computer
get-printer -computername [Computer Name] | where Type -eq Local | `
select ComputerName, Name, ShareName, Location, Comment | Out-GridView
View print queues in an error state
Get-Printer -ComputerName [computer] | where PrinterStatus -eq Error | `fl Name,JobCount
View jobs on a print queue
Get-PrintJob -ComputerName [computer] -PrinterName [print queue]
View print job information
Get-PrintJob -ComputerName [computer] -PrinterName [computer] | `
where id -eq [job number] | fl JobStatus,UserName
Make Changes
Add printer queue
add-printer -connect [path to printer, e.g. \\computer\queue_name]
Remove printer queue
Remove-Printer -Name "[Printer Path and Name]"
Get Information
List all .jpg files in a location including sub directories
Get-ChildItem -Path [Drive]:[Path] -Recurse -Include *.JPG
Make Changes
Copy files from one location to another
Copy-Item [path, optionally including file reference] -Destination [path] -Verbose
Move files from one location to another
Move-Item [path] -Destination [path] -Verbose
Rename a file or folder
Rename-Item [path] -NewName [path]
Active Directory
Get Information
List all inactive user accounts
search-adaccount -accountinactive -datetime "[date]" -usersonly
Make Changes
Set title of an AD account
set-aduser [name] -title [new_title]
Disable an AD account
disable-adaccount -identity "[AD user]"
Microsoft Configuration Manager / SCCM
Get Information
List applications available for installation in Software Center Where [path_to_computers_file] is a text file containing a list of computers. For a single computer, just use the computer name after -ComputerName.
Get-WmiObject -Class ccm_application -Namespace root\ccm\clientsdk `
-ComputerName (get-content [path_to_computers_file]) | `
Where-Object { ($_.InstallState -ne "Installed") `
-and ($_.ApplicabilityState -eq "Applicable") `
-and ($_.IsMachineTarget -eq $True) `
-and ($_.EvaluationState -ne 1)} | `
select FullName,__SERVER